Saturday, July 26, 2014

Last 2 days in Geneva......

The Salève is a mountain of the French Prealps located in the departement of Haute-Savoie (France). It is also called the "Balcony of Geneva".

Gruyère cheese is generally known as one of the finest cheeses for baking, having a distinctive but not overpowering taste.
To make Gruyère, raw milk is heated to 34 °C (93 °F) in a copper vat, and then curdled by the addition of liquid rennet. The curd is cut up into pea sized pieces and stirred, releasing whey. The curd is cooked at 43 °C (109 °F), and raised quickly to 54 °C (129 °F).

Nestle shop


  1. estou a ver que parte do projecto RWT passa por visitar fábricas de bens alimentares para provas...economia de escala hein
    assim dá pa gastar noutras cenas...

  2. certo mas hoje foi no Zoo de Munich, para muidos muito bom ( nos um pouco seca).
    Amanha vamos para Praga.

  3. Adoramos estar na Suiça, todos !!!
